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Progressive List Building Made Easy Course

Progressive List Building Made Easy Course

$75.00 Prix original
$5.00Prix promotionnel


Still struggling to build a huge responsive list of targeted buyers to boost sales and profits?
This is your Ultimate Chance to Generate Tons Of Targeted Traffic To Your Offers and Boost Sales and Profits Without Spending Much…


Now you too can take your business to the next level with the best use of Progressive List Building Made Easy Training Guide, video, and audio…


- Effectively build a highly responsive email list.
- Ensure repeat purchase with your existing buyers.
- Connect frequently and easily with your customer base.
- Reach out easily to globally scattered customers.
- Get the best results with your email marketing efforts.


Building a list of laser-targeted audiences and promoting top offers to them has become the need of the hour for every online marketer today, and if not given adequate importance, it can result in dire consequences. Not only does it give you more opportunities to enhance your credibility, but you can easily stay on top of the minds of your targeted audience on a long-term basis.


This step-by-step training video series, audio series, and guide will take you by the hand and teach you how to effectively build a highly responsive email list and get visitors hooked to your brand.

With its proper use, you can also drive targeted leads to your list and boost sales and profits.


Within this package you will find the following modules:

- What Is List Building All About?
- Creating An Email Incentive.
- Picking An Email Marketing Service And Setting Up A List Building Campaign.
- Designing An Effective Lead Capture Page For Your Site.
- Creating A Blog Post With An Embedded Sign-Up Form.
- Adding An Exit-Intent Pop-Up To Your Site.
- Designing A Lead Gen Survey.
- Collecting Emails With A Giveaway Campaign.
- Adding A Lead Capture Form On Your Facebook Business Page.
- Running A Lead Generation Ad On Facebook.
- Collecting Emails With A Google Ads Campaign.
- High-Converting Lead Magnet Ideas For Your Campaigns.
- Highly Effective Lead Segmentation Tips To Increase Retention.
- Exit-Intent Hacks To Reduce Abandonment And Increase Subscriptions.
- Crazy List Building Strategies That Work On Social Media.
- Alternative List Building Strategies You Can Try.
- List Building Do’s And Don’ts.
- List Building Premium Tools And Services To Consider.
- List Building Success Stories.
- List Building Frequently Asked Questions.


Within this package you will find the following modules:

1. Training Guide
2. Cheat Sheet
3. Mind Map
4. Top Resources Report
5. Audio Training (20-Parts)
6. Video Training (20-Parts)
7. Covers

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