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Feeling overwhelmed by your responsibilities and desire to people-please? How To Say No Without Feeling Guilty So That You Can Take Control of Your Life Instead of Life Controlling You. With These Simple Tips, You’ll Set Healthy Boundaries And Take Back Your Life In No Time!


Competition in the workplace has been increasing dramatically over the last couple of years. According to a four-year survey by Asana, 82% of respondents say that they have been overworked. As a result, burnout has increased, and staff morale has decreased.


As if these statistics were not already bad enough, the day and age we live in these days have only amplified the issue tenfold.

Not only do we have to fight against other employees, but we now have to compete against technology and other extreme factors. With this in mind, it is no shock that employees are taking on an extreme workload and refusing to say no to their boss.


Here's what you're going to learn:

- The definition of boundaries.
- The benefits of setting boundaries.
- The 6 main types of boundaries.
- Why setting boundaries can be difficult.
- How to set boundaries.
- The proper motivation for setting boundaries.
- How to define your own boundaries.
- How to enforce your boundaries.
- How to set boundaries while dating.
- How to talk about boundaries with a partner.
- How to set boundaries in a marriage.
- How to set boundaries with children.
- How to set boundaries at work.
- Why you need boundaries in the workplace.
- How to express your boundaries to your boss.
- What to do when you experience pushback from your boss.
- How to set boundaries with yourself, including financial, health, social media, and scheduling boundaries.
- The three most common boundary resistance techniques.
- What to keep in mind when you face pushback.
- How to handle someone who disrespects your boundaries.
- Ways to measure the success of your boundaries.
- And much more!


Within this package you will find the following modules:

1 - Ebook
2 - Checklist
3 - Resource Cheat Sheet
4 - Mindmap
5 - Sales Page
6 - Optin Page
7 - Graphics
8 - Email Swipes
9 - Social Media Images

Healthy Boundaries

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