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Optimize Results With Facebook Analytics

Optimize Results With Facebook Analytics

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Brand New Over-The-Shoulder Video Series On How To Optimize Results With Facebook Analytics. Being able to use all the information given to you in Facebook Ads is critical in running a successful campaign. The problem is, all of that information can be confusing. Sure, it’s great knowing what the users are doing on your ads and pages.


But, it’s a little challenging to know what’s going on if you don’t understand the lingo. Don’t worry; we’ve done all the hard work for you. You’ve spent countless hours spinning your wheels getting nowhere when it comes to using the analytics.


That will be a thing of the past after you’ve completed our video series. You’ll know precisely what all of the information is and how best to use it in your next advertising campaign.


The very first thing you need to do is be familiar with how Facebook analytics work. After that, it’s possible to change your ads and pages based on the information.


Then, once you’ve dialed in the right combination, it’s time to scale. You’ve heard a million times the key to success is the ability to scale your ads. Our information will make it possible for you to scale your ads and turn them into successful campaigns.


The reason you'll be able to do it is because of the information gathered by understanding analytics. You can’t take a stab in the dark and expect success to happen in something as highly competitive as internet marketing. It just doesn’t work that way and it never will.


Here's what you're going to learn:

1 - Overview
2 - The Dashboard - Setting Up
3 - Moving Content Over
4 - Moving Over Content - Part 2
5 - Facebook Analytics - Funnel Tracking
6 - Creating Your Analytics Dashboard
7 - Active Users Report
8 - Revenue Tracking
9 - Retention
10 - Cohorts
11 - Breakdowns
12 - Journeys
13 - Percentile
14 - Events
15 - Overlap
16 - Lifetime Value
17 - Demographics
18 - Technology
19 - Settings
20 - Conclusion

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