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Get Answers With SurveyMonkey

Get Answers With SurveyMonkey

10,00$ سعر عادي
$3.00سعر البيع


This is a collection of 20 over-the-shoulder video training and audio collection. What's really in your customer's mind? Brand New Over-The-Shoulder Video Series On How To Effectively Gather Customers Feedback With SurveyMonkey.


How do you know what the opinions are of your current customers? You could call each one up and ask them. That would be time-consuming and a hassle. You could also email every one of them asking all kinds of questions.


No one likes receiving emails like those. They make the customer feel like you're incredibly nosy. What if there was another solution that provided you the tools to quickly and easily know what your customers are thinking?


There is, and it’s called SurveyMonkey. It will revolutionize the way you get feedback from your customers.


Here are the titles of this 20-part video and audio series:

1 - Overview
2 - Pricing and Account Opening
3 - Referral Program
4 - Survey Templates
5 - Creating Surveys From Scratch
6 - Using the Question Bank
7 - Creating An Introductory Page
8 - Creating Additional Survey Pages
9 - Creating Page Breaks
10 - Question Builder - Multiple Choice to Rating Scale
11 - Question Builder - Ranking To Image Choice
12 - Question Builder - Comment Box To Multiple Textboxes
13 - Using The Question Builder
14 - Using the Survey Designer
15 - Using the Survey Options
16 - Survey Formatting
17 - Survey Preview
18 - Response Collection
19 - Results Analysis
20 - Conclusion

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